Thursday, August 14, 2008

Waiting for new trousers / Eine Hose für Harm

Last weekend I took my sewing machine and sat down to finish new trousers for Harm.
Do you remember?

He can't be without cigarettes. Until waiting he told me about East Frisian peculiarities. The Frisians are a very specialy race. There exist a lot of jokes about them.

Now Harm is nearly finished and only waiting for the stick on his Hand, what will help, to move his arm. It's a shame, that he's only a puppet... . Now I must go on, to complet his buddies.
It's desolate for an East Frisian Farmer too, to be lonesome for a long time.


Nun wartet Harm nur noch auf den Stock der an seiner Hand befestigt wird, damit sie geführt werden kann. Wirklich schade, dass er nur eine Stabpuppe ist.
Als nächstes sind seine Kumpels an der Reihe, denn lange alleine zu sein, ist selbst für einen Ostfriesen zu einsam...

Ein Ostfriese kommt in den Baumarkt und sagt zum Verkäufer:
"Ich benötige einen 3er und 5er Bohrer."
Der Verkäufer:
"Warum kaufen Sie nicht gleich ein Sortiment, das ist auch nicht teurer."

"Ich brauche aber nur einen 3er und einen 5er Bohrer."
"Nun gut, aber wozu denn ?"
"Ich muss ein 8er Loch bohren."
Darauf der Verkäufer:
"Nehmen Sie zwei 4er, dann müssen Sie nicht umspannen."

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Schaut, was ich gefunden habe...!
Ist das nicht f u n - tastisch?

Erkennt Ihr Lars Strickmuster wieder?
...Und a tears knitting?

Gratuliere, Lars!
...Und Dank an ''
für diese f u n - tastische Werbung!


Zusatz in eigener Sache: Sorry Lars, aber das konnte ich mir nicht verkneifen... :-)
Ich hoffe, es ist in Ordnung so...

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Doggy Drama

Read about it here.

Hier lesen, Sorry nur auf Englisch.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Blick / glimpse. Now with text.

Hallo Leute, es wird ein paar Tage dauern dies Eintrag auf Deutsch umgestzt wird, ich bitte auf Geduld , (Ja, ich weiss wohl dass ich habe Früher so 'ne Versprechung gemacht und es noch nicht getan, drückt mir die daumen das dieses Mal es geht besser ;D)

Hello Folks, it's going to be a while before I get this entry translated into German, please be patient. ( Yes, i know I've made similar promises in the past, and broken them, cross your fingers and hope I do better this time.;D)
Part 1.
Part 2.

Okay, we know from our percentage formula that as soon as we reach the place where we want to start the armhole steeks we need to place 20 stitches on hold. Then using Eunny Jangs steek method, I chose 5 as the number of stitches for my steek. We continue knitting, decreasing every other round on both sides of the steek, for about another inch and then, using the same steek method, we begin the V-neck opening.
NOTE: I put 2 stitches on reserve at the beginning of the neck opening, in a round that did not have decreases so that the decreases for arm holes and neck openings would be in the same rows.

Klick on photos to enlarge.

When I got to the shoulders I knit across to the v-neck, bound off the steek stitches and the worked a couple of short rows to give the shoulder some shape. Then the arm steek stitches were bound off and the back was worked with matching short rows to the front. The yarn should be at the armhole openings top. Now, the fun part, to join the shoulder I used the cowichan shoulder join. This is a 3 needle bind off with a special twist. I worked from the inside, but if you work it from the outside it will leave a nice decorative double row of stitches. With the stitches to be joined on 2 needles held next to each other in the left hand, take up a second needle, preferably a short one, I had an old wooden needle that I cut down, sharpened with the pencil sharpener and sanded with 1000 grit sandpaper. From the near needle of stitches knit 1 stitch, pivot the working needle to position it ready to purl one stitch from the far needle. You are using BOTH ends of the working needle. You'll now have 2 stitches on the working needle. Now, with the end of the needle that you used to knit 1 stitch, knit 1 more stitch from the near needle and pass the first stitch over it, with the purl end of the working needle purl one stitch from the far needle and pass the first purl stitch over it. Repeat to end of shoulder join. In this case I have ywo colors of yarn, so I worked 1 knit and purl in one color and the next in the second color so that both colors would be in place to continue knitting. Now knit across the back, bind off the second armhole steek, work the matching short rows on the second shoulder and repeat the shoulder join steps.
Now stabilize and cut your steeks. See the Eunny Jang lesson. I use her crocheted steeks.

You're now ready to pick up and knit the stitches down one side of the neck opening, knit one of the 2 set aside stitches, make one stitch, knit the other saved stitch, these three stitches will be used to work a decrease at the point of the neck opening. Pick up and knit the other side of the neck opening.

The band; I chose to use a "braided" decorative band rather than a ribbed band. Knit a round doing 1 stitch color A, one stitch color B, repeatingly. (For the neck opening I only did one of these rounds and found after finishing the band that I wanted two rows of it but was too lazy to go back and re-do it. I did the double round on the armholes though.) working a slip one , knit two together pass slipped stitch over decrease at the v of the opening, this rather awkward to accomplish nicely in this particular band treatment and I fumbled around with it and still don't have any good tips on making work well.

Now, pull both colors of yarn to the front and purl 1 color A, bring color B up in front of color A and purl the next stitch, repeat purling 1 color A, one color B to end of round always bringing the new color up in front of the old color. This twists the yarn coming from the balls into a great big long twist, I've found that if a pull a few yards out of the balls first and gently comb the twist with my finger as I work it helps prevent it becoming too much of a mess.

For the next round you will purl 1 A, 1 B bringing the new color up BEHIND the old color, this untwists your yarn. Pull the yarns back to the back side and knit a round, or two of the alternating colors. Break off the secondary color and purl 1 round in primary color, knit 5 rounds plain and cast off, I found that a purl cast off looks neater.

Fold the band under at the purl round and sew into place. Pick up and knit the stitches for one and then the other armholes using the same "treatment", no "V" to fumble around with though.

Block and wear.

I think I could have picked up fewer stitches around the neck opening and it would have looked a little better.

Provisional cast-on / Provisorisches Anschalg

Am I the only one who didn't know this slick method of a crocheted provisional cast-on? I've always done it the old fashioned way, crochet a chain and then pick up and knit the stitches.

Bin ich der Einziger der wusste diese schlichte gehäkelte provisorische Anschlag Methode nicht? Vorher habe ich es immer altmodisch eine Kette gehäkelt und danach sorgfaltig die Maschen aufgehebt.

Video, in Englisch.

Auf Deutsch, nur Bilder und eine beschreibung.

Mein jungste "Sweaterweste" ist fertig, hoffentkich werde ich noch diese woche die Zeit haben um darüber zu posten.

My latest sweater vest is finished, hopefully I'll find the time to post about it this week.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Ideen / Ideas

The sweater vest I've been working on is almost finished and already there are ideas racing through my head about the next project, okay they've been in there for about a week now.

Der Pullunder an dem ich jetzt arbeite ist fast fertig. Scon schwirren Ideen durch mein Kopf über was die nächste Projekt sein soll. Na, ich muss zugeben, die sind schon Da seit eine Woche.
These two yarn balls have been sitting next to each other for a few weeks now and I've grown to reallylike the two colors together. But what should I do with the two colors together? Then I found a pair of gloves in a drawer that I had made for Geoff a few years ago. Adapted from a pattern for Sanquhar gloves, a scottish town known for their glove knitting. Eureka!

Diese zwei garnknäule haben seit wochen nebeneinander gesessen und ich langsam lernte die zwei farben zusammen zu lieben. Aber was zu tun? dann, in eine Schublade, fand ich handschuhe die ich für Geoff vor eine paar Jahre gestrickt habe. Umgestellt nach ein Sanquhar Muster, ein schottische dorf erkannt für Handschuhe stricken. (Klick auf obigen links) Yreka!
I'm considering a cardigan, yes with steeks, I've grown rather fearless about steeking. There arises though a question. Should I do a provisional cast on, go right into the pattern, and then wait until I'm knitting the button bands and knit the bottom ribbing along with them?
Ich überlege ob es ein Cardigan sein soll, und doch ja mit Steeks. Ich fürchte mich vor Steeks jetzt nicht. Es gibt aber denn eine Frage; soll ich eine provisorisch Anschlag verwenden, der Muster gleich anfangen, und warten ab bis ich die Knopfbänder stricke und der Bundchen muster dann stricken?