Friday, March 26, 2010

2 problems solved, on to the next one

Okay, i've built and attached the new treadle brace/ spool rack.
The next problem was how to control the threads as they come off the spools. The original loom would have had a wire with multiple loops bent in several different directions. No clear picture of how it should have looked, and a later edition of the instruction manual stated that the newer versions of this loom were equipped with" a thin board with wire staples". Okay, what? My solution, a board with eye hooks. I don't know yet if it is a good solution. I have to solve the next problem before I know how this solution works.


Anonymous said...

It looks very practical but please let us see the whole construktion of the loom. It´s a bit difficult for us europeans to understand how it works. / Ulf

Lars said...

Ulf,using this set up, according to the original instructions, and missing pieces, without any clear idea of what they should look like, resulted in tangles and broken threads. I did more research on worping a sectional loom and came up with a different plan. I spent all day cobbling together a warp tensioning box and a spool rack. Tomorrow I will try it out and post better pictures of the whole process. Wish me luck.